Agriculture’s Promise (Washington Initiative): NYFEA has discovered a bounty of opportunity. The Ag Promise program is designed to bring young agricultural leaders from across the United States to Washington for an amazing three day leadership and advocacy training program. They will network , develop talking points, share ideas and become familiar with the governmental process.
From visits to the historically significant and extremely motivational monuments to the discussions with key policy makers at both USDA and in Congress, the attendees have found this to be an extraordinary experience. All organizations with an emphasis group (council, committee, advisory board…) focusing on training and encouraging the next generation are invited to attend. All that is required is a willingness to join in the group policy discussion. It is hosted in Washington DC.
The Agriculture’s Next Generation Issues Forum (ANGI Forum) is a collaborative, multiple organization and agribusiness supported discussion where the participating entities share their perspectives. For many of the attendees, this is a unique opportunity to hear from experts who will offer testimony on a select number of current issues. Through the cross-section of participating voices, individuals will grow in their personal understanding and appreciation of the challenge of finding a nationwide consensus. Further, they will come to understand the common-ground that is shared by everyone in the agricultural community. Ideally, they will identify a common understanding of what must be done to promote success in the next generation of agriculture.
USDA and Congressional Leaders Events feature leaders that influence the future of agricultural policy will be available for discussion. Individual participants have the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of leaders that work in policy-setting positions in the Senate and House. Further, executives from USDA will present opportunities and hear from participants as it relates to the Department’s work.
2025 Agriculture’s Promise - Schedule of Events
Sunday, March 9
3:00 pm – 5:30 pm: NYFEA Leadership and Delegates
A discussion on next year and how the association can make a difference.
Monday, March 10
8:30 am: Developing Five Key Points
Round table discussion to identify five issues (“Blending the Perspectives of All of the Attendees) to address in the afternoon session
9:00 - 11:45 am USDA & Industry Leader Updates
Noon Lunch
1:00 - 2:00 pm Ag Communication Award presentations
2:30 - 3:00 pm Presenting the Five Key Points
A group of young and beginning producers and agribusiness professional will
moderate to address the five issues
4:30 Bus departs to Capitol Hill reception
5:30– 7:00 pm Capitol Reception
Tuesday, March 11
7:00 am Breakfast
8:00 am Bus departs for Capitol Hill
9:00 am Congressional Briefing
10:00 am Visits on Capitol Hill with Senators & Congressmen
2:30 pm Bus Returns to Gaylord from Capitol Hill
2025 Agriculture’s Promise - Registration
Registration Fee: $350adult rate per person /// $610 student rate per person which includes hotel room so long as you willing to share with other students)/// $1080 student rate w/transportation (airfare or driving supplement up to $375) included
Deadline: February 10, 2025 — Mail to NYFEA: P. O. Box 20326, Montgomery, AL 36120 (if after Feb 10 call 334-546-9951 to verify availability)
Selection of Activities: 1. ____ Monday Lunch 2. ____ Monday night reception 3. ____ Tuesday breakfast .
Payment Method: Amount Submitted : ___ $350 for adult rate ______ $300 for student registration only ______ $610 for student rate w/rooms & registration _____$1080 student rate w/transportation, rooms and registration (Includes an airfare expense allowance if registration occurs within 3 weeks of event.)
1. Check: ________ (provide check #) -OR-
2. Credit Card: MCard Visa Discover
Exp date: _________ Security code: ________ Card #: ________________________________
Signature: ________________________ Name:________________________ Organization: ___________________
Title: _________ Email:________________________________ Address: __________________ ___________
City: _________________________________ State: _______ Zip: __________ Phone: ( ) ___________________
Headquarters Hotel: Gaylord National (on the Potomac in Washington D.C.)
To make reservations, contact the Gaylord at 301-965-2000. Room rate is $279 + per night (plus tax and resort fee) until sold out. If rooms are sold out at contracted rate, please contact NYFEA for backup hotel arrangements. 334-546-9951. Cutoff for rate security is February 9.
Your generous donation will assist with participation.
I. Student all-inclusive registration amount : a) 2 Students = $2100, b) 3 students = $3150, c) 4 students = $4200, d) 5 students = $5250, 6) students =$6300 (If sending multiple students , please click contact us and send their names, emails and cell phone numbers so we may contact them for travel arrangements.)
II. General support = $2500 for transportation or $5000 for meal or $7500 for banquet
III. Other support = as desired.