President’s Council and Young Farmer Founders
The President’s Council works with NYFEA to promote programs that answer the question, “Where will we find the next generation of agricultural producers and agribusiness leaders?” NYFEA (the National Young Farmer Educational Association) has established the President's Council as a means of attaining advice, direction and fund raising support for the growth and development of the programs designed to assist the next generation. Members of the council will be asked to assist NYFEA maintain a solid strategic plan. The council will have input into the agenda and activities of NYFEA.
Structure: Council members will be invited by the NYFEA and/or their peers on the council. The Presidents’ Council will be represented on the NYFEA Board of Directors by a person selected by the group.
Young Farmer Founders: Individuals who donate to the program become members of a Special Alumni Group called Young Farmer Founders. YFF members receive additional communication and opportunities to participate.
Expected Council Action: Each council member will be asked to:
1 - help NYFEA set goals and objectives to address particular needs concerning young and beginning producers (YBP).
2 - help build a base of support for Young and Beginning Producers and the next generation of agricultural leaders. Look for friends and peers to join in the effort to build a broad base of engagement in the programs.
3– have the opportunity to attend Agriculture’s Promise (Washington Forum) ; promote the Young Ag Leaders Council, engage in the National Institute (annual convention) and participate in advisory conference calls.
President’s Council: Benefits and Opportunities
NYFEA is proud of the long standing relationship that has been developed with sponsors. Individuals and corporations from across the United States have supported NYFEA for many years. The association has had the resources that are necessary to have an impact on the world of agriculture because of the generous and charitable involvement of these partners. NYFEA specializes in leadership training, career enhancement, community service and agricultural leadership.
NYFEA is a diverse organization with membership covering the entire spectrum of agriculture. From the hobby farmer to the large landowner and from the co-op manager to the agribusiness executive, the association has dues paying members which account for many dollars of agricultural investment. NYFEA is a 501-c-3 organization recognized by the IRS as qualified to receive tax deductible contributions.
The following is a list that outlines the benefits and opportunities available:
1. Exposure in publications.
2. President’s Council members may participate in the NYFEA program entitled Education for American Agriculture (EAA). PC may utilize the program material generated for Agriculture’s Promise, the annual Washington leadership development program.
3. President’s Council members involve their customers in the annual learning events of NYFEA. The participants could be the top customers, the best students in the local school, etc. The President’s Council participant pays a portion of the cost of attending the national events. The individual pays a portion and NYFEA waives a portion of the costs of attendance.
4. Networking and travel opportunities are available for President’s Council members.
Registration form: Name: _____________________________ Company Name: ____________________
Address: ________________________________ Email: __________________________ Phone: ________________
_____ Yes, I want to register for the NYFEA President’s Council for:
A) ___ the contribution of $1000 (Bronze). This a leadership contribution that underwrites overall training work (i.e. YALC)
B) ___ the contribution of $2500 (Silver). This provides the added benefit of sending a person to the Institute (1 room and 1 registration provided ) or Agriculture’s Promise (1 room and 1 registration provided)
C) ___ the contribution of $5000 (Gold). This provides the added benefit of sending 2 people to Agriculture’s Promise (1 room, 2 airfare and 2 registrations provided )
D) ___ the contribution of $10,000 (Platinum). Along with receiving the benefits of the Gold Category, Platinum serves as an effort to underwrite the cost of a significant component in the program. IE. Banquet, Tour Day, Evening Entertainment, Keynote Speaker…
PAYMENT PLAN: 1. Check: ________ 2. Credit Card: ___ MCard Visa Discover
Card #: ___________ _ _______ _______________________
Exp date: __________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________
Mail to: NYFEA, P.O. Box 20326, Montgomery, AL 36120 or email to