Objectives - To build a stronger network of Young Beginning Producers and Young Agribusiness Professionals through the involvement of local organizations. - NYFEA will provide the tools that assist local affiliate organizations with educational options. Simply contact NYFEA - To tie affiliates to a national network that lets their individual participants stay aware of the opportunities at the Agriculture’s Promise (Washington trip) and the National Institute (annual meeting). - To provide members of affiliates the opportunity to benefit from communication, education, leadership training and advocacy programs sponsored by NYFEA. - To encourage Young Farmer chapters, collegiate ag organizations, state affiliates, commodity groups, corporations, civic entities and other organizations to work together to create a more diverse voice and perspective on issues.
Why become a NYFEA Affiliate? 1. Chance to address important issues to the next generation of agriculture. 2. Educational programs that enhance success potential. 3. Networking that is outside specific commodity groups, learning to work together with other agricultural groups.
NYFEA Affiliate Dues* are calculated in the following steps: (Total State/Organization Membership must be taken into consideration and rosters should be submitted with names, mailing addresses, emails and cell phone numbers for each.)
a. For membership (between 0 to 50 members) – Dues are a flat $100 ... $100 = SubTotal (a)
b. For each member (between 51 and 2000) – Dues calculated at $2/person …Total # for category: ___ x $2 = $______ SubTotal (b)
c. For each member (between 2001 and 4000) – Dues calculated at $1/person …Total # for cat.: _____ x $1 = $_____ SubTotal (c)
d. For each member (between 4001 and 6000) – Dues calculated at $.50/person ..Tot # for cat. _____ x $.50 = $_____ SubTotal (d)
e. For each member (over 6000) – Dues calculated at $0 per person …Tot # for cat.: _____ x $0 = $_____ SubTotal (e)
Total Affiliate Dues = Line (a) ______ + Line (b) ______ + Line (c)_______ + Line (d) _______ + Line (e) _______ = $_____________
Registration: Online: www.nyfea.org or by mail:
Amount Submitted : _____________________________
Name _________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ________________________________________
Cc# ________________________________________ Exp Date ______________ Verify Code _____________
SUBMIT - Please send the payment to NYFEA; P. O. Box 20326, Montgomery, AL 36120 Also, please include the roster and as many emails and cell phone numbers as possible! Roster and contact information may be emailed to nyfea-main@nyfea.org