National Young Farmer Educational Association - The Association for Educating Agricultural Leaders works to answer the question "Where will we find the next generation of agricultural producers and young ag leaders?"
NYFEA invites you to join us at the 59th Annual Institute in Nashville, Tennessee
Since 1966 the NYFEA has hosted Institutes from one corner of the United States to another. Young farmers from many different states have experienced the blessings of agriculture from livestock to row crops to horticulture to agribusiness. It has been a unique learning experience. Today's Institute allows for experiential learning, mentoring and leadership training to occur under the same umbrella. To the many people that have made this a part of their regular routine, Thank You! To the people that are willing to try this for the first time, you are welcome!
Hotel Reservation Information...Updated with Multiple Options
Hotel reservations should be made by Nov. 10, 2025 (If problem, contact NYFEA at 334-546-9951).
Headquarters hotel is the Sheraton Music City (Nashville airport) . Contact # 615-885-2200.
Room rate is $139/ night. Go to for hotel details.
We have a backup plan, if the headquarters hotel rooms are identified as sold out, please know that we have a backup plan. Please do as follows:
1—Go ahead and secure your Institute Registration at www,
2– Let NYFEA know that you need hotel rooms by texting guests’ names, arrival date, departure date and number of rooms needed to 334-546-9951. We will secure a room for you at either the main property or one of the backup locations.
On-Line Institute Registration Details (See the Forms Below): Full Institute Registration is $415 per person for activities. Daily Registration is $225/day. Student Registration is $565 0 inclusive of hotel rooms for shared rooming. Students must attend the Ag Communication Award Program and YALE Event.
2025 Institute registration instructions. Click the "Buy Now" button below to pay for your registration. You will receive confirmation of payment. Each person must also complete the email submission form. The on-line submission information is below. If on-line is not available, email and a pdf will be sent for mail submission.